
Showing posts from September, 2021

Art Analysis

  Fallingwater     Fallingwater is perhaps the greatest architectural acheivement in Frank Lloyd Wright's career. It originally began construction in 1935 for the Kaufmann family, and was completed in 1937. It is located in Mill Run, near Southwestern Pennsylvania. The building was converted to a museum in 1964, and I visited it in the summer of 2019. Built directly over a waterfall, Fallingwater is one of the most striking buildings I have ever been in. As younwalk through the rooms, you can hear the waterfall underneath you at all times, making you feel like you're in nature. The tan concrete and stone used to construct the building blends in well with the surrounding area, lending to this feeling. The inside of the house is done in the same tan and red, with stone flooring and low ceilings. Altogether, Fallingwater is one of the most interesting architectural pieces I have ever experienced, and I urge everyone to check it out. Citations Zelazko, Alicja. “Fallingwater.” Encyc

First Blog Post

 Hi! My name is Lucas Lohman, and I'm a sophomore here at UAF. I completed my first year entirely online, and I'm planning on doing the second this way too. I currently live in Anchorage. My hobbies include playing guitar, reading, and video games. I look forward to learning more about art in this class. My relationship to art is minimal, but I do still appreciate much of it. As you can see from the image I embedded, I enjoy minimalistic styles quite a lot. I do occasionally do some sketching, but I'm not very good yet. I do own a few paintings, mostly in a somewhat Bob Ross style of outdoor scenes. In particular, I enjoy the photography exhibits in the Anchorage Museum, and try to go visit whenever a new one is opened. Anchorage Museum Photography Exhibit